True certitude of complete assurance, confidence, success comes from working with a partner you trust to provide the Technical Insight, Support and Professional Expertise that will propel your business forward. Experiencing certitude with Open Source LMS Solutions means you can count on collaboration, proven dependability, innovation and excellence resulting in improve profit margins, reduce risk, longterm success and results.
Open Source LMS Solutions is a Premium e-Learning Technology Services Provider to education organizations, institutions, corporations, employees and individuals for Open Source platforms like Moodle, Wordpress, Joomla etc
Lifelong learning and professional advancement are basic elements of the information and knowledge society. It is difficult for employees to align their personal obligations with participation in time-fixed educational offers. Solutions are sought that allow time-flexible, site-independent learning, which in turn leads to the topic of e-learning.
Open Source LMS Solutions has been in the business of empowering learning to improve organizational performance. Our mission is to provide cost-effective, quality e-Learning solutions(Moodle etc) that are easily deployed in organizations, large and small. By integrating a variety of Open-Source e-Learning technologies , we guarantee our clients a scalable, customized and low cost e-Learning program, which fits their needs and budget guaranteeing the return on investment, rapid knowledge accumulation, and brings significant savings of time and financial resources, regardless whether it is a case of an individual, corporation or educational institution.
LAMP, comprises of following set of tools: My SQL handling data storage, PHP handling business sense of the Requirement, Apache (the web server)/Nginx responsible for transporting the content and Linux providing robust Server environment. Our cloud management skills include Amazon EC2, Rackspace, Linode etc.
Moodle is open source software which means that you are free to download it and use it in your organization without any license costs. As Moodle is open source you are free to modify or extend it to suit you, making it versatile for your growing needs.
To provide end to end solutions for rapid development in eLearning on legacy and Cloud LAMP platform, for content creation, we also use Wordpress, Joomla, Moodle, Articulate Storyline, Articulate Studio, Adobe Captivate, Camtasia, etc.
Being reliably “on time and on budget” has always been a hallmark of our engagements. We have organized our business activities in a manner, which help to reduce the client’s costs on specific projects.Our practices are focused approach driven and we intend to build long-term business relations with our clients by providing quality solutions by adding value to the businesses of our clients.
Open Source LMS Solutions implements technologies that can be understood and used, technologies designed according to the concept of providing what people want, need, and according to the abilities they have, technologies that allow people to learn and grow, and organizations to achieve their defined business objectives.
When you work with us, your long-term success is our motivation. This is why we can offer you the ability to meet every challenge and the agility to capitalize on every opportunity. That’s the power of Experiencing certitude. And it is our promise to every client.
We can be reached at Open Source LMS Solutions
NB: Please note that we are not in any way associated with Moodle/Moodle HQ/Moodle Partners
Leading Open Source LMS Services, Solutions and Consulting in Moodle, Wordpress, Joomla etc

Instructional Design and Content Creation